Get latest rates (JSON)

Get the latest possible rates (minimum age 5 min)

Get all the rates with base currency Euro. Every other base is also possible. How to alter the url: URL scheme

Here is how to get the rates and print them to console.log() using Nodejs and the request library.

const request = require('request');

//Make request
request('', function (error, response, body) {
    //Error catching
    if (error){
    if(response.statusCode != 200) {
        console.error("Request Response Status Code: "+ response.statusCode);

    //Parse JSON data
    let responseObj = JSON.parse(body);

    //Dataset timestamp
    //*1000 because JavaScript uses milliseconds for date - unix timestamp is only seconds
    let dataTimestamp = new Date(responseObj.timestamp*1000);"Data Timestamp: "+ dataTimestamp);

    //Iterate over rates and print them
    //foreach-loop for objects - kind of ;)
    Object.keys(responseObj.rates).forEach(function(key) {
        let singleRate = responseObj.rates[key];

        //*1000 because JavaScript uses milliseconds for date - unix timestamp is only seconds
        let singleRateTimestamp = new Date(singleRate.timestamp*1000);
        let singleRateRate = singleRate.rate;
        let singleRateCurrencyCode = singleRate.currency;

        console.log("["+singleRateTimestamp+"]: 1 EUR = "+singleRateRate+" "+singleRateCurrencyCode);


Here is how to get the rates and print them using PHP and file_get_contents().

$apiURL = "";
$jsonApiData = file_get_contents($apiURL);
//Decode the the json to php object
$apiObj = json_decode($jsonApiData);
//dataset timestamp
//Iterate trough object
foreach($apiObj->rates as &$rate){
printf("[".date('c',$rate->timestamp)."]: 1 EUR = ".$rate->rate." ".$rate->currency."<br>");

results matching ""

    No results matching ""